plaid pattern.
When it comes to checks, there are many different types and materials suitable for different purposes.
Plaid patterns can be divided into plaids and checks.
A plaid is a large, irregular plaid pattern similar to tartan, with crisscrossing stripes and lines.
Types of plaids include tartan check, gingham check, and madras check.
From Stella Mc Cartney
A check is a regular, small check pattern made by arranging shapes such as squares to form a grid.
tartan check
Plaid fabric made of twill weave with multicolored threads
Gingham check
A relatively fine and simple plaid pattern with white and another color layered on top of each other.
From the Japanese Internet
A check is a regular, small check pattern made by arranging shapes such as squares to form a grid.
Types of checks include <Glenn check>, houndstooth check, block pattern (buffalo check), etc.
glen check
A plaid pattern made up of multiple patterned rectangles.
A traditional pattern that originated in England.
Striped weave made by twilling equal numbers of warp and weft yarns.
Each pattern has a sharp point, resembling the appearance of a plover in flight.
Block pattern (buffalo check)
It is a plaid pattern in which colored stripes such as red, blue, green, and yellow intersect with black stripes, and the intersections are dark black.
It is often used for thick work shirts and work jackets.