Interlining is used between shell fabric and lining. Interlining is very important material to
keep shape of suit although it can not see from outside.
Thereare two kinds of interlining, one is fusible interlining and the other one is non fusible interlining.
Non fusible interlining
Non fusible interlining isused for cloth which ismade by tailoring of stichingfabrics.
Fusible interlining
Fusible intelining is used cloth which is mad by tailoring offusing fabrics with pressing or
Haircloth interlining
Haircloth interlininf is used for predecessor and lapel of suit, those suit is called haircloth interlining tailoring, full haircloth interlining tailoring orfull campas tailoring.
Haircloth interlining is used for upper half parts of predessor and around the shoulder.
Fusibleinterlining is used for lower half parts of predessor, those suit is called as tailoring of
halfhaircloth interlining, half haircloth or half campas.
Fusible interlining is used predecessor lapel which suite iscalled tailoring of all fusible
interlining, full fusible interlining and fusing.
Woven interlining Basuc material is woven interlining.
Knit interlining Basic material is knit interlining.
Nonwoven interlining Basic material is non woven interlining.
Dotting fusible resin isarranged at backside of basic fabric.
Fabric is sticked togather by fusible interlining with mwlting fusible resin.We put fusible interlining stickedtogather with shell fabric by to give heat & pressuer with pressing machine.
This is fusible interlining.

Back side of interlining.